Last year, in an effort to surround myself with Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, I went into my Libby app*, searched for: Christmas + audio books + available now, and Christmas Shopaholic appeared.
*I have been a faithful Libby user for some time now. Yes, it requires patience for newly released books I want to read but it is free, making it not only worth the wait, but the wait the reason why I choose certain books certain times—as was the case with this book.
I expected a cheesy Hallmark-style Christmas story. And while, sure, if it was made into a movie, the category it would fall under would certainly be Cheesy Hallmark-Style Christmas Movie, to me, it was so much more.
First of all, maybe you’ve already figured it out, but it took me a quarter of the book to say to myself, “Christmas Shopaholic, hmmm, this is giving me vibes of the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic*…” only for me to realize, you guessed it, that yes, the author, Sophie Kinsella, also authored the likewise named book which inspired the movie.
*Which I absolutely loved when it came out in 2009 and I was ten years old.
The frenzy of Christmas shopping is there. The want to make everything perfect. The frantic planning and food shopping. The awfulness of people.
But there is also humor. And family. And friends. And togetherness. And heartwarming moments.
There are no long emotional speeches, and though I teared up here and there, for the normal person, it shouldn’t be a tear jerker at all. I don’t even have any favorite quotes to share from the book. It’s just a good story, set during Christmas time, to which anyone who has ever hosted a holiday or had a long Holiday To Do List can certainly relate.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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