I know I’ve already referenced It’s a Wonderful Life this year, but being that it’s the time of year when it’s acceptable for me to watch it nonstop, excuse me if I continue to go a little overboard in sharing.
This year, upon my second or third time of watching the movie, I caught a line which spoke a little louder to me than ever before.

George Bailey’s guardian angel, Clarence, has just granted George his off the cuff wish of never being born. They visit the bar and Clarence’s heavenly form is mentioned. When George makes an effort to, you know, ixnay on the angel-say, Clarence says: “Don’t they believe in angels?”
“Yeah, but…you know,” George mumbles.
“Then why should they be surprised when they see one?” Clarence says.
I believe.
In angels. In the birth of Christ. In goodwill towards men. In peace on earth. That love will prevail.
But my challenge to myself, and to you, this Christmas is that we wouldn’t just say we believe. Anyone can do that. Instead I would hope that we believe to so great a depth that our lives emulate those things which we so easily can say we believe in, yet when confronted head on we must decide to embrace firmly and without trepidation.
Merry Christmas!
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