For years, I bought the cheapest flour and butter my grocery store offered. I also microwaved my butter when I needed it softened, and I’m fairly certain this was the culprit of the pancake cookies I made for years and years.
Back then, the only thing I cared about was my flour being unbleached.* When I began making croissants, I realized the difference ingredients make and began baking solely with King Arthur flour and Cabot butter.
*Am I the only one who thinks the word bleach should never be connected with something I eat?
Both items happen to originate in Vermont, which gives me yet another reason for Hubby as to why we should move there one day.
Posing with 18-pounds of butter
For now, I have to settle with buying ten-pound bags of King Arthur flour at BJ’s and stocking up on Cabot butter whenever we make our way up towards the mountain majesties of Vermont.
Our trip for my successful bakery class meant another 18-pound box of butter. At first, I thought about doubling it, then I realized the absurdity of this notion. I run out of butter, we go to Vermont. Right?
Spotting these guys during our drive caused me to hang out the window to snap pictures while calling out to them as if we were old friends.
They didn’t call back.
Cabot has four retail shops, three in Vermont and one in Maine. While visiting Stowe, we made our butter purchase from the Cabot Farmers’ Store in Waterbury.*
*We also sampled cheese, ate ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s, and purchased every Vermont specialty imaginable at Cold Hollow Cider Mill.
This time we were headed for the Cabot Visitor’s Center located in Cabot, Vermont.
Aka, the real deal.
I knew Hubby was excited by the way he reacted to finding a Cabot truck on the road.
We might have reached stalker status by the time the truck reached his exit.
You see, Hubby was certain he was going to the same place as us and that is why he stayed on his trail.
I’m sure any officer who pulled us over would have understood.
The visitor’s center offers cheese samplings, a $3 tour of their facilities, and several informative cheese related pamphlets* and recipes.
*From which I learned eating aged cheese should not effect those with lactose intolerance because lactose disappears three to four weeks after the cheese is made.
I also learned I should have been born a cow:
A cow’s job is pretty much eating.
Dream. Job.
We weren’t allowed to take pictures during the tour, but it was incredibly informative about the process of making cheese and other dairy products.
We’ll be back soon, 18-pounds of butter won’t last all that long.
Cabot Visitor’s Center
2878 Main Street
Cabot, VT 05647
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