The news predicts a divorce surge is coming once the courts can reopen. Relationships which might have been rocky before the pandemic began have escalated to topsy turvy from couples being forced together 24/7.
Day 1 of working from home–things have changed a lot since then!
The day Lance returns to work, I will celebrate having my dining table back to normal, but I know my heart will break for several days as I look at it, seeing the ghosts of his three computer screens and his desk chair with the recliner placed beside it for Stitch, who craves nearness to him whenever possible.
Today we celebrate 13 years of marriage and though we are not without insult or injury against one another, our togetherness over the last three months has been more an antidote than a poison. An unexpected gift rather than a punishment. And I grieve for the marriages which have not been able to experience it as so.
Though our years together often seem to have happened with the rapidity of a finger snap, I try not to describe them as so, instead I try to visualize the moments which have found themselves forgotten, crammed into that finger snap as if they never existed, as if they weren’t part of all this time which led us here. Because they were the building blocks, the cement in the foundation, the challenges we succeeded and the ones we had to face several times over to master, all bringing us to where we are today.
Marriage, to me, is getting to do life with your best friend by your side, every step of the way. With all the good I have experienced; I still marvel at the marriages which have lasted several decades. My hope being to emulate them with grace and gratitude.
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