With the reopening of many businesses on the rise*, my fingers are crossed for the return of my local** and other surrounding Starbucks locations. A trip to Starbucks is our grand ‘get out of the house’ trip made one evening or two during the week. On the weekend, it’s our kick starter. The splurge from our ordinary, homemade cup of Joe.
*Thank goodness.
**As I write this post, they have just reopened for drive thru.
We’ve missed it. And not just the humans in our house.
If you have a dog and have never taken them for a puppuccino, has your dog even really lived yet?
Many people approach ordering their pup’s first puppuccino with apologetic caution. “Ummm, do you guys have something called a pup-uh-chee-no? We have a dog with us, promise. Here, I can show you. If you don’t have it, that’s totally cool. I’m so sorry I wasted your time asking.”
Places like Starbucks like to have these things called secret menus. I’m not really a fan of such things, because it feels like an ‘in the know’ kind of thing, and I want everyone to be in the know. But in the coffee world, I get it. In a place where the entire menu is made around the basis of essentially one or two things: coffee beans or tea leaves, there are way too many options to list.
We torture him and make him wait until we’re home to have it
So yes, the puppuccino is real. And yes, your tail wagging buddy wants one, even if you don’t know it.
Now, before you start wondering what kind of magical concoction it is, I’ll burst your bubble: it’s just whipped cream. Nothing fancy. But…it’s Starbucks’ whipped cream, stuffed in an tall cup and will most certainly produce an immediate sparkle in your furry friend’s eye.
Stitch has become so spoiled with the stuff that if I come home with a Starbucks cup, you know, with coffee in it for me, he attacks me, thinking I’ve thoughtfully brought him a puppuccino.
Stitch attacking my empty cappuccino cup
It’s just one of those fun parts of owning a dog. Watching them experience the joy of cream and sugar joined together as one.
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